Software Development Best Practices


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Software Development Best Practices

Software development is a complex process that requires a development team to follow best practices to create a high-quality, reliable, and efficient product. Mistakes in development can lead to high financial costs for rework. That is why the Malevich development team always follows strategic approaches from the very beginning, here are some of them.

Key components of successful software development
Clear specification of requirements (functional and non-functional product requirements). Creating a document that details design requirements and standards helps avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings within the team.

Choice of Methodology

An important practice is to use development approaches such as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The SDLC provides structure and clarity to the development process and defines the right expectations. The choice of the SDLC methodology depends on the specifics of the project and the time frame.

Frameworks and Software Infrastructures

To facilitate development, it is important to use frameworks and software infrastructures, rather than writing code from scratch. They allow programmers to avoid unnecessary work and focus on the code. Choosing the right language, framework and platform is important from the very beginning of the project.

Work in a Team

Code simplicity is also a key component of successful development. Simple code is easier to understand, change, and test, so it's important to follow this practice.

Unit Testing before Writing Code

Continuous testing is important at every stage of software development to detect bugs and malfunctions. Testing can be seen as a tool to understand code and identify problems. Testing during development helps to identify problems at an early stage and reduce the risk of bugs appearing in the finished product.

Best Practices for Continuous Integration in Software Development:

Continuous integration (CI) is a standard approach to software development. This process includes integrating changes into a shared repository and evaluating code to ensure effective integration. This helps identify problems early in development, which reduces the likelihood of bugs and other problems.

Software Development Best Practices

The success of the project largely depends on the competence and cohesion of the development team. The Malevich Company provides the best conditions for teamwork, creating a productive work culture and stimulating high productivity, so your project is in safe hands. Following these software development practices will save you time and money. Contact us today.

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