

Creditify - Consumer services for Fintech. Quick Loans

Web Development

The client


Industry - FinTech
Location - Romania
Creditify - Consumer services for Fintech


Services for specific niches
CI/CD - applied a set of measures that allow for faster and cheaper delivery of new features to production

Technology Stack

React - stack technology Malevich company
Typescript - stack technology Malevich company
Material UI - stack technology Malevich company
Kubernetes - stack technology Malevich company
Docker Swarm - stack technology Malevich company
Digital Ocean - stack technology Malevich company
Cloudflare - stack technology Malevich company
Traefik - stack technology Malevich company
Sentry - stack technology Malevich company
Grafana - stack technology Malevich company
Bitbucket - stack technology Malevich company
Jenkins - stack technology Malevich company

The Challenge

To develop the front-end of the service, while implementing the necessary logic following the TS. The target audience is people who need a quick loan
The SolutionThe Solution

A website has been set up to provide information about a quick loan, and a person can apply to receive funds. To submit a request, you need to fill out an interactive form on the website. Also, the website contains all the necessary information about the service, answers to the most common questions, and so on.

To implement the project, we utilized the following technologies:



This library allows you to create applications quickly, and the declarative style of programming considerably simplifies the debugging of components and the project. Facilitates dynamic application creation, ease of development and improved application performance, one-way data flow and use in mobile application development.


Integrated static typing guarantees increased reliability and security during application development. In addition, as the size of the project grows in the future, it allows for better and easier scaling.


All components of Material-UI are uniform in terms of design and colors. This approach enables the application developed or the site to look very aesthetically pleasing.
Creditify - Consumer services for Fintech.

The Outcome


A  convenient website for attracting new customers