The client
go clients tech

Technology Stack

The Challenge
The service allows a person to select the clinic branch on the most suitable map and book a doctor's appointment. The potential patient must complete a quick registration process in a few steps. The process includes providing personal information and selecting the desired service (dental cleaning, preventive dental visit, orthodontist visit, etc.) and appointment date/time.
An administrator is responsible for processing requests from the clinic's side using the appropriate functionality. There is an option to send SMS/emails to patients on behalf of the clinic for various cases (appointment confirmation, rescheduling/cancellation, etc). Additionally, the clinic administrator has access to a calendar where appointments are recorded (viewable by day, week, month, year). Clinic staff can configure their schedules and access visit statistics, patient information, and a list of clinic doctors.
Waitlists are implemented in case all upcoming doctor appointment slots are booked. In such cases, the patient is offered a range of dates and times that would be convenient for their visit. When a slot becomes available, the patient receives a notification and can either book the appointment or decline it.
Doctors also have access to their patient list, visit history, schedule, and more. The service helps to simplify and automate the interaction between the patient and the clinic (and its representatives) in a modern and understandable way.
The following modules have been implemented:
Creation of bookings by the patient/doctor/clinic admin.
Adding requests to the waitlist with the option to transfer them to the calendar later.
Calendar of appointments or scheduling block for the clinic and specific doctors.
Operational messaging system (appointment confirmation/cancellation, visit reminders, feedback collection, etc.)

The Outcome
The client has the ability to sell the right of use to different clinic networks and receive a direct monetary benefit from it.