The client
Technology Stack
The Challenge
Simplewealth has digitized most of what is needed for investment growth. We developed as a part of the Simplewealth program. Such as sign-up for user authorization and onboarding and the app's main page. Also, we realized parsing and analysis of documents (assets) supplied by adjacent modules of the project, structured them into a convenient format, and stored them in the database. The React-Final-Form library was used to work with forms. To validate the data in the fields, we selected the Yup library.
Axios technology
Material UI
Recharts library
Nest.js, PostgreSQL, XMLParser, and Workers

The Outcome
Home page
We developed a page to get convenient and comprehensible private assets reports. The user can interact with graphs and page elements to get more detailed information. The page has an adaptive web interface so it`s displayed correctly on any device. And JWT token provides great data protection.
Onboarding page
On this page, the user connects his account to the system. We implemented a convenient interface where the user can see his progress and what is still lacking to complete the connection thanks to interactive feedback.
Registration page
The user's registration page, on which he enters his data and undergoes confirmation of the account by mail.
A dashboard for managing users, editing their personal information, and option to delete users has also been developed.